Blue Kitten

One day, four kittens were born. Each was healthy and playful, but one of them was different. It had blue fur.

Its parents worried about it. In the family, everyone had either white or striped fur.

“Why is she blue? Why is she different from the others? What if they make fun of her?” asked the mother.

“What should we do with her? Hide her from the world? Paint her fur? Teach her to be like the others?” pondered the father.

Soon, the grandma cat arrived. She watched the little ones excitedly but noticed how troubled the parents were.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just look at her!” said the mother, almost crying. “She is blue.”

“Yes, I see. She has a beautiful color.”

“What should we do with her?”

“Love her! It’s a wonderful, special, healthy kitten. You should see how lucky you are.”

The parents thought about it, and this time, they looked at their kittens more closely.

Now, for the first time, they truly saw the blue cat’s beautiful, shiny fur, her gently sparkling eyes, and cute little nose. She played and purred just like her siblings.

They noticed how gorgeous she was.

She was born different from the others, and that’s what made her perfect.

They accepted her, loved her, and the little blue cat was happy.

Stella Watson

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